Someone said to me.. Actually I think a couple people have said to me , Debbie, you cant save the world!
I didn't like hearing that. You see, it upsets me because, in fact, I want to save the world. I want to make a difference! I want childhood cancer to go away and NEVER come back, I want to end the use of the R word forever!! and I want to fly to Eastern Europe and save all the children in orphanages that can't save themselves!
What can I do realistically? Well, I always say I can start with me. Make the changes and be the person I want to be and the rest will follow! I unfortunately may not find the cure for cancer (though that would be wonderful).. I do think I can save the world.. or at least pieces of the world. I think it is attainable to save my friend Max 2H. Though we are having a fundraiser for him, I just don't feel like that is enough. I feel like he is my boy and I want to save him. I can picture him with our family and know it would be the best thing to ever happen to him....So, my mind is constantly trying to figure out just how we could possibly adopt him. I want to do something big, something to make a difference for all these orphans with Down syndrome.
You see, once you love a child with Down syndrome, you suddenly have this love for each child with Down syndrome. You want to make each and every one of their worlds better. You want the world to know what you know.. to think like you think.. to love like you love....and slowly, I think I just may be spreading this way of thinking to one person at a time.
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